Professor Deborah Epstein has been Co-Director of the Georgetown University Law Center’s Domestic Violence Clinic for over 25 years, and has been involved with DVARC since its inception. She has spent more than 30 years advocating for the rights of survivors of domestic violence and has represented hundreds of women in civil protection order cases, written extensively in the field, and trained police officers, advocates, and judges across the country and internationally. Epstein co-chaired the DC Superior Court’s effort to design and implement its Domestic Violence Unit, an early model effort to integrate civil and criminal cases involving intimate abuse. She has served as the Chair of the D.C. Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board, the Director of the Emergency Domestic Relations Project, a member of the D.C. Mayor’s Commission on Violence Against Women, a member of the D.C. Superior Court Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, and a member of the Board of Directors at both the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the House of Ruth. Her book, Listening to Battered Women: A Survivor-Centered Approach to Advocacy, draws on her experience representing hundreds of women in civil protection order cases and her commitment to lifting up the voices of survivors of domestic violence seeking safety. When she’s not working, she is playing with her three dogs, Skeeter, Finn, and Willie.